Premium Book Funnel

As a self-published author, it is essential to recognize the value and effectiveness of book funnels, just like traditionally published authors do. Embracing this powerful marketing strategy can significantly enhance your reach and success in the competitive publishing industry. By leveraging book funnels, you can attract, engage, and convert readers into loyal fans and customers. Remember to tailor your funnel to your target audience, provide valuable content, and continuously optimize your approach based on feedback and data. With dedication and strategic implementation, you can maximize your self-publishing journey and achieve the recognition and success you deserve. Don’t underestimate the potential of book funnels – embrace this opportunity and take your writing career to new heights.


  • Domain and sub-domain set-up (as needed)
  • Email sequences and newsletter campaign (weekly)
  • Reader capture form or squeeze page
  • Welcome email automation
  • Custom thank you page
  • Holiday automation
  • Author CRM to manage leads/readers
  • Author article feature (2 stops)
  • Author bio link
  • Dedicated email

Author Advisory

Jefferson Literary is NOT connected with other marketing, advertising, publishing firms, or subsidiaries.

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